Support CACE Project in Global Giving Open Challenge: November 26 – December 31

November 26, 2012

Greetings friends. Our Center for Amazon Community Ecology project to create sustainable livelihoods for native communities & promote forest conservation in Peru is now “live” with the Global Giving at We need to raise at least $5,000 from at least 40 people between November 26 and December 31 to become a permanent member of the Global Giving network. Please support us with a donation if you can and SHARE the project page on Facebook. The group that gets the most Shares on Facebook during this Open Challenge from November 26 through Dec. 31 gets a $300 bonus. Every donation counts!!!

CACE Peru Project Global Giving Signature Photo ©Photos by Campbell Plowden/Center for Amazon Community Ecology

CACE Peru Project Global Giving Signature Photo ©Photos by Campbell Plowden/Center for Amazon Community Ecology

Donations can also be made the project by check. Make it out to: The Global Giving Foundation. Write Project 12229 and your email address in the Memo line on the bottom left of the check. This is very important to make sure your donation reaches us. Send to: The Global Giving Foundation, 1023 15th Street NW, 12th Floor, Washington, DC 20005. Checks should arrive by Dec. 28. Thank you very much for your support. If you have questions, please contact us through the CACE website.

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