This special fair-trade ornament represents an iguana from the Peruvian Amazon rainforest. This reptile is found all over the neotropics sunning itself on a log or climbing a tree to hunt for little prey or protect itself from predators. This multi-colored lizard will look great hanging on your Christmas tree, car mirror, or adding a unique conversation starter to your home. These ornaments are handmade by Peruvian Amazon artisans from natural chambira palm fiber.
The sale of these ornaments supports forest conservation and helps meet local needs in traditional communities in Peru. This ornament was made by a campesino artisan from the association Manos Amazonicas (Amazon Hands) in the village of Chino on the Tahuayo River. Each ornament comes with a tag listing the name and village of the artisan who made it and the plants used to make it.
Please remember that each ornament was hand-made by the artisan so the exact design and color combination may vary from the ones shown in the model photo. Most models have a latch on the side that allows them to be opened.
Model: ORR004

Support native artisans & rainforest in the Amazon
Amazon forest loss is driving species to extinction, aggravating global warming, and robbing people of unique medicines, foods and other benefits. Cutting and burning forests is often more profitable than conserving them, so some native communities in northern Peru have illegally logged and grown coca and other cash-crops to escape poverty.
Learn more how you can support today.